Hong Kong



(28) Evidence Based Practice Approach of Modified Airway Management During COVID-19 Pandemic in the Regional Hospital ICU of HKSAR, China

Mr. Chi-Kwong LEUNG1, Dr. Philip Koon-Ngai LAM1, Ms. Pui-Yi TANG1, Ms. Irene Wai-Yi YEUNG1
1North District Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR

The pandemic COVID-19 has been affecting the healthcare system. The overwhelming amount of cases have created high pressure to medical professionals. Especially in intensive care unit, one of our major roles is supporting patient with respiratory crisis which intubation is needed. To ensure to work safely in intensive care unit, our ICU team have standardised airway management procedures and relevant infection control measures, followed by conduction of staff survey.

The key highlights of guideline in airway management are focusing on two aspects, which are intubation and respiratory care management. For intubation, we standardize intubation procedures, while for respiratory care management, we initially emphasize the proper use and management of high flow oxygen therapy, and airway devices providing 6L/min or more oxygen. Some care management guidelines were established, such as, selection of full-face mask rather than nasal or oronasal mask for NIV patient to minimize dispersion of particle. Beside, Staff survey was conducted by online questionnaires.

There were total 54 respondents with about 60% were 10 or above working experience, while around 28% with experience less than 2 years. 6 questions related to familiarization of infection control guideline, usage of long acting muscle relaxant, NIV management were asked, averagely 70% of questions were answered correctly. Another 6 questions were used to reflect staff compliance and current situation in six likert scale. Almost all staff understood the department guideline of intubation procedure, and having clear role during airway management procedure. Also they agreed adequate infection control training was received with confident in taking care of COVID-19 patient.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has created a high pressure and stressful condition to ICU, we are confident to surmount it along with our implemented guideline and care management, hence to promote our safety in working environment.
