Hong Kong



(48) Effectiveness of HPV Self-sampling on Participation in Cervical Cancer Screening: A Scoping Review

Ms. Ho-Yan WONG1, Prof. Eliza LY WONG2
1The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

HPV testing has been recognized as a feasible and effective approach in cervical cancer screening, especially for non-attendees. However, existing evidence showed the effectiveness of self-collected HPV testing on screening participation is controversial. This scoping review aims to summarize existing findings and identify to what extent offering HPV self-sampling kit leads to increased screening participation among non-attendees.

A systematic literature search conducted in databases PubMed and Embase in May 2020 identified articles examining the effectiveness of HPV self-sampling on cervical cancer screening participation. Search results were limited by the following criteria: 1) randomized controlled trials, 2) primary studies, 3) English language and 4) publication from 2010 to 2020.

A total of 112 articles were identified. 15 articles were included for a full review after excluding for studies with unmet criteria and duplications. Of these studies, 8 (53.3%) from Europe, 6 (40%) from North America, and 1 (6.67%) from Asia. This review affirms that HPV self-sampling is a feasible and acceptable screening approach. It highlighted that offering HPV kit is more effective to increase screening participation compared to clinical reminders for either cervical cytology or self-collected HPV testing. For screening preferences, women generally opted for HPV self-sampling than conventional cytology smear, especially for those under-screened and never screened. In addition, direct mailing HPV self-sampling kits was found as an efficient and cost-effective way to improve screening participation in comparison to the invitation to HPV self-sampling as an opt-in approach.

HPV self-sampling has been demonstrated as a promising approach to improve participation in cervical cancer screening, especially among those non-attendees. The delivery approach of self-sampling kits should be considered when implementing HPV testing into local screening practice in the future.
