Hong Kong



Prof. Xinjuan WU
President, Chinese Nursing Association, Mainland China

Prof. Wu, RN, MSN is the President of the Chinese Nursing Association, Deputy Director of the National Health Commission Nursing Standards Committee and Deputy Dean of Peking Union Medical College School of Nursing. She has served as the Director of Peking Union Medical College Hospital Nursing Department. Prof. WU is the recipient of the 43rd Nightingale Award, the Queen Mother of Thailand Nursing Award, and many distinguished national nursing awards from China.

Prof. Wu also the Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Nursing, Associate Editor of Chinese Nursing Management Magazine, and Associate Editor of Chinese Nursing Research and Journal of Modern Nursing. She has edited more than 50 professional books, published 130 articles and was in charge of more than 20 scientific and academic research projects.


Development and Transformation of Advanced Practice Nursing in Mainland China

APN training in China started in 2007 with the Program Plan for Training Specialty Nurses formulated by expertes organized from Chinese Ministry of Health. The Plan aims at APN in intensive care, operating room, emergency room, organ transplantation and oncology, guiding the work in training specialty nurses in China.

Since 2007, the development of specialty nurses in China has achieved remarkable results. The number of specialty nurses continue to increase and the professional area of specialty nurses continue to expand. So far, there are more than 20 areas of APN, such as intensive care unit care, emergency care, wound ostomy, elderly care, organ transplantation nursing, oncology care, diabetes nursing, mental health care and hemodialysis. The proportion of specialty nurses in China has reached 10%.

However, the workforce of specialty nurses in China is still not enough. Therefore, the development of specialty nurse and the improvement of the management system of specialty nurse is an essential task during the 13th Five-year Plan of Chinese Nursing Career. The National Plan for Nursing Development (2016-2020), states" It is important to launch the certification of specialty nurse in nursing fields that are in urgent need, optimize training course and improve the quality of specialty nursing services". The nursing care service scope should be gradually expanded from hospitals to community and homes.The task focus should change from disease treatment to chronic disease care, geriatric care, long-term care, rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicalnursing, maternal and child care, hospice care, etc.

In addition, there are still problems in the certification and use of specialty nurse in China. The Five-year Plan is trying to solve these problems by establishing management rules of specialty nurse. It includes establishing the management system of specialty nurseand define the admission criteria, capacity, job responsibilities and practice scope of these nurses.

